Monday, 30 July 2012

Olympians Who Get a Gold for Wacky Style




We're not sure what the Brazilian soccer player's goal is with that funky hairdo, but his home country fans dig his frequently spiked, bleached, Mohawked and all-around wacky styles.


If Dee Dee slows down long enough for you to catch a glimpse of her, check out the sprinter's glam track outfits and one-of-a-kind face paint. Perhaps she'll sport the Olympic rings in London – or go bold and draw on a winning medal?


FLORENCE GRIFFITH-JOYNER photo | Florence Griffith-Joyner



The '80s were a questionable fashion decade for many of us, including the late, great Flo Jo. But perhaps the one-legged unitard and full-body (head included!) catsuit (not to mention the super-long nails she often sported) were the secret weapons behind her ridiculous track times?

The Gold Medal for Wacky Olympian Style Goes to… | Ryan LochteThe Gold Medal for Wacky Olympian Style Goes to…

These athletes are pros at sporting seriously head-turning looks while breaking a sweat

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir

    Dear X
    It has come to my attention that you have used my image of Naymar playing for his nation Brazil. We do not have any record of having issued you with a licence to use this image. We would be grateful if you would provide me with any evidence that you have been issued with a licence by myself [or my agent] for such use.

    Subject to that, as it appears that you have breached my copyright I require you to provide me with information about where you sourced the image, the length of time that you have used the image, and any other usages that you may have made of that, or any other image that you may have reason to believe may be mine.

    [Unless you have a licence from me/my agent for use of the image] I require you to remove the image immediately, and will be requiring payment for use of the image to date. [If you would like to make use of the image for the future, any such future use would only be permitted subject to negotiation with me of a separate additional licence and payment of a licence fee at my rates.]

    Yours faithfully
